Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A visit from Aunt Emily

So Aunt Emily and cousin Ethan came for a visit. We had a grand ol' time! Emily got to experience the projectile poo firsthand! She was impressed! But in her successfulness of catching that all too well known poo, she left the sprinkler vulnerable. Better to clean up pee than poo, I always say.

She also got to see a whole new side me. Actually I scared the crap out of her. I had a melt down. I know that's surprising to all of you, but I actually made it a whole week without losing it this time. She thought something really bad happened, like I dropped Garrison or something. But no, I was just yelling for Jeremy because I needed some emotional support. Me and my supersoaker boobs were drowning my child. He would try to eat, then start screaming because he was choking, so I'd pull him off, and he'd start screaming because he was hungry, so I'd put him back and and he'd start screaming....You get the picture. This went on for about ten minutes before I started yelling. sigh.

Here are some adorable pics:
My little blue teddy bear

Tummy time with Snickers

"So this is what we're gonna do...."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Good day...Bad day...Good day...Bad day...Good Day????

Okay, so I'm finally able to put my thoughts down on here because Jeremy is home and he's holding the baby. Not that he has to be held all the time, but today it has been more than normal. Here's the deal, Monday was rough. I don't remember why exactly...interesting, I was going to share what happened. All I know was that I was going to write on Monday, but decided against it for 2 reasons. 1) Any down time I had was going to be spent sleeping, not updating a blog. And 2) I might have gotten some worried phone calls checking on me with what I was wanting to say.

By the way, I just wanted to show you the dark side of Garrison. I was not torturing him here, just changing his diaper. Okay, it might have been a little cruel to actually stop to take a picture of him having a fit....

Tuesday was a totally different story. I got a decent nights sleep, and the sun was shining, and it was actually not freezing outside. So we had our first solo outing. It was great. We went to the grocery and then to Old Navy to get me some new jeans (I don't seem to have the same body shape as before, you know. And I'm sick of maternity pants).

So that brings us to today. It started with him fussing at 5:30 this morning, and it hasn't really ended. AAAAAAAAH!!!!!! Right now as we "speak" Jeremy is trying to console him. I think I know why. The meal I had last night had A LOT of garlic in it. It was tasty, but this just isn't worth it!

Also, I have what they call an oversupply of milk. I pretty much am choking the poor boy everytime I feed him. You know when you drink water too fast and it goes down the wrong way and you start coughing and choking. Well that actually happens to him. One of the problem with this is the runny poo (I know, that is too much information), and the runny poo is why it's projectile. This morning I was ready for him. I had the diaper in position, like a catchers mitt to catch that all too well known poo. The little stinker actually put an arch on it this time. The poo actually arched up over the diaper and sprayed on the wall that is about 2 feet away. Pretty impressive actually.

So here's the deep, philosophical bit for today:
People ask me all the time how I like motherhood. I'm a bit too honest sometimes. Don't get me wrong, Garrison is fantastic, and I love him so incredibly much. But when entering into motherhood, there is a lot that is left behind. I know, that is obvious. But whenever there is a change in life, even if it is for the better, you have to mourn what is being left behind. This week I have mourned the loss of my independence. Nothing is simple anymore. I know that I will be a great mom, and I am looking forward to it, but it's not something that is instant. At least not for me.

Moving on....
Here are more pics.

A couple of Harley guys

Friday, March 7, 2008

Week one and no lost minds, I don't think

Well, we've made it. Garrison is sleeping 9 hours through the night. Yesterday evening we had stimulating conversation over pizza about politics and intra-uteral life. And he's almost got the hang of latte art. Easy peasy. that's not right.

What am I thinking? Maybe it's because I got almost 5 hours of sleep last night. Yeah. And Rach got less. Seems like I was going to say more here but I can't remember what it was. Oh, one thing is that Garrison has a habit of projectile poo. It's almost like he flexes his stomach muscles right when he releases. We're talking feet here, people, not inches. I was prepared for covering the twirly during diaper changes, but the twirly AND poo hole? Come on! His facial expressions are pretty funny though. I'll try to catch some with the camera. Suffice to say that his many forehead muscles are quite tone and frequently exercised. Here's a shot of the little guy at our place with his nanna.