Saturday, March 8, 2008

Life lesson #1

I was awakened last night to the familiar sounds of maniacal crying. Rach was out of bed so I went in to make sure things were OK: i.e. Rach not losing her mind. Turns out it was just Garrison learning that ever-so-important lesson – If you're going to pee on somebody's face, make sure it's not your own.

Here are more photos.


Young Jedi Master


Lisa Archer said...

I love it! Yes, Hudson has peed not only on his own face, but in his own mouth! Who knew parenting could be so much fun, huh?!

Emily said...

It's a good thing that one sip of Woodchuck didn't mangle his appearance. He's so delicious! I love the surprised look on his face.

Unlike Garrison, Ethan seems to reserve peeing for inside the diaper and the tub. Guess I'm lucky in that way. Now if I can only get him to sleep through the night...