Friday, November 14, 2008

The Crawler

Garrison has definitely mastered the skill of crawling. That didn't take long....

So Garrison is very attached to his pacifier. We only use it during naps and at bedtime, but he likes it very much. He also enjoys throwing things on the floor. This is not a good combination. So lately he's been throwing his pacifier on the floor and then crying because he can't go back to sleep without it. Yesterday I had enough. I decided, well if he's going to keep throwing it out, then he's not going to get it anymore. The age of the pacifier is over. So I put him down for a nap...and he cried...and cried...and screamed...and shrilled...and cried...and screamed....You get the point. This went on for 15-20 minutes, which is my cut off point. So I went in and gave it to him. He was asleep within 30 seconds. The age of the pacifier is continuing strong. But last night after we put him to bed, he threw it out again. UGH!!! So this was my solution, we'll see if it works.

1 comment:

Emily said...

No. It didn't work - heard about that little stinker! And the first sucker picture of G Man and J looks like Ethan - again. Those two handsome devils. Cannot wait to get my hands on him in a couple of weeks!