Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A week of grandparents

Well, we had the delight of grandparents visiting all week. Dennis and Kathy came up Sunday evening and stayed with us until Thursday morning. Then my folks came up Friday and stayed until Monday morning. Needless to say, Garrison got off schedule a little. Not a big deal though. And it's not like we can deny the grandparents a little love time just to keep to a schedule. Schedule schmedule. So following are some shots from theirs visits, along with a few I've been shooting over the past couple weeks.

With Pop on the Harley

With Nanna in the coffee shop

With Pappa

Chillin' at home

Chillin' at the beach

Smiling because he loves his mommy


1 comment:

Emily said...

Ooooo my worrrrd. He is so beautiful. I cannot wait to see him again. We sure do make gorgeous babies.